Claydon crops off to a good start in 2019

We have been impressed by photos our customers have been sending in of Claydon drilled crops in different countries.  The crops have coped very well with very dry conditions at time of sowing and establishment has been consistent and strong.

Following are some crops from across the north of France – Normandy, Seine et Marne and Loir et Cher.

Remember the stony field in Indre?

Here is the field in January.

In Lithuania and Latvia, the Claydon drill was tested in various soils from heavy clay to light sand during the extended drought of 2018 which followed the high rainfall in autumn 2017.  In all conditions, Claydon outperformed other drills in terms of reduced establishment costs, germination, crop quality and yield.  Apart from coping well with weather extremes, the Claydon Hybrid also had no problems coping with large amounts of trash, thanks to its huge clearance chassis design as can be seen in the picture below – before and after drilling.

The field had one pass with a 7.5m Straw Harrow, and then straight in with a 4m Hybrid mounted drill.  The trash caused no problems with consistent germination.

Over in Latvia the autumn was also incredibly dry and baked out heavy soils.  One farm started sowing its winter wheat at the beginning of September using a Claydon drill and a direct disc drill concurrently into bean and oil seed rape stubbles.  Both germinated fast, but the difference can be seen when digging down below surface level and comparing the establishment of the two drills on crops sown next to each other.  The benefit of the Claydon leading tine is clear to see – it brings more air and tilth to the seed to create the perfect environment for  stronger root development and a healthier crop.

See our website photo gallery for Claydon-drilled crops around the world.